Get out and travel! Are you just out of school or been in a perm job and just want to do something new? This is a great time to skip the perm job and take a travel job. Pick a state you have been wanting to travel to and make sure to get that state license first! Getting a job at that point becomes much easier.

Increase your take home pay. It is no secret; travelers take home pay is typically higher than someone working a permanent job. When you are a traveler, the staffing company is able to pay the employee a meals and lodging stipend (if you meet the distance requirements from your tax home) which is tax free money. This equals.... more money in your pocket!

Work with a variety of therapists. If you are just out of school or been at the same perm job for a while, this is a great way to pick up little manual tricks or exercise progressions from the experienced clinicians from each clinic you are at. Pick up a couple things from each clinic to help own your PT skills.

Plan for extended time off. Do you have a big vacation you are planning or simply just want to have a week off? Plan your contracts accordingly! Either make sure your staffing company ensures you get the time off you need or time your vacation to fit between the end of one contract and the start of your next contract.