postpartum return to activity
While many don’t want to talk about it, postpartum isn’t easy! Getting back to lifting, running or any other physical activity can be challenging. We see it so often that jumping right back to your activity typically leads to injury (Sacroiliac dysfunction, general low back pain, etc.) because your body isn’t ready to load the body.
We feel EVERY woman should go through Post-Partum Physical Therapy!

Physical Therapy Treatment Priorities:
Determine YOUR goals and determine the best way to get there (anything is attainable ladies!)
Start with the foundation; relearning core sequencing and neurological motor movements that are typically lost during the birthing process
Give corrective work to be done during the week on your own (no, we don’t make you come into the clinic all the time, having a new baby definitely takes up a lot of your time!)
Start loading the spine to return to prior level of function
Every individual is different and should be treated different depending on what their limitations are. Each physical therapy treatment session will focus on progressing the athlete with a joint by joint approach, extensive manual treatment and updating their correctives each visit.
If you are interested in having an RTS Physical Therapist help you return to activity following your pregnancy, fill out this quick form!